It is okay for me to say that we do not fully know our friends. It is also okay for me to point out that our friends dont fully know us.
We always think we know our friends and its not until years down the road we learn the truth. It sucks when we discover that the one person we convided in has been passing your secrets around as jokes. All of a sudden you feel stupid, alone, and confused. How could you have missed it? You sit back and you dysec every inch of your friendship that you've developed with these people and every bit of it is a lie. It is all a lie. Did they ever like you? Was this friendship at all valuable to them as it was to you?
When I was 6 I had moved to Butler and I met a little girl named Anna. Anna and I would play every day and for the first time I had a friend, a best friend. When we weren't playing we talked on the phone. I called her every day, a security it was having someone else to talk to. It wasnt until 16 years later I learned Anna never cared about my friendship. Actually she never even wanted it. Because of one "friend" I instantly looked at my whole line of friends and I wondered if any of my other friends felt this way. I tried to figure out what it was i did wrong so I could fix it. I never wanted to have a friend who felt the same way Anna did. I think if I was more secure with myself I wouldnt feel the need to evaluate my own life and my friendships.
If I could teach my daughter one thing it is this; That girls will ALWAYS talk. It truely doesnt matter what type of girl you are, you will always talk. Alot of the time these girls who speak negative words on other girls sometimes strive for distraction from their own insecurities. When you are secure with your faith, your family, yourself- you waste no time speaking negative words about others.
We will never FULLY understand why some of us girls open our mouths on personal situations that are truely none of our business. Its hard not having answers for that but there is truely no answers for it because all girls are different. Sometimes we just cant help but spill others secrets and sometimes we spill to cover up our insecurities.
Some girls are over-weight and just have to talk about how Jane is so ugly and how her clothes come from a thrift store. And some girls born stupid feel the need to pass around deep conversations of their friends in hopes to develop inside jokes to disguise their ignorance. It isnt until you are sitting between the two beasts as they laugh histarically at their inside joke that you dont quite get. You try to figure it out but just feel stupid for sitting their in silence.
So I end this with advice for ALL girls. With insecurities and no insecurties, to keep your mouth closed. Take time to shut your mouth and fix yourself. Before you begin to turn your back on the people who have been good friends to you, Think before you speak. Think about what it is you are about to let slip past your lips and if its worth it then go about it but if risking your friendship isnt worth it then you may need to become aquainted with silence. Silence really says a whole lot about how you value your friends secrets.
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