I usually have a picture with my blogs. But this blog is different. Its different because it's going to be reaching out in different directions and grabbing people in different ways. So, truthfully, there is really no picture fit for this blog. You have to place the picture. This very well may be my longest, deepest, most honest blog I've written. But if you read it and understand where I am coming from then maybe, just maybe, you will wake up tomorrow a new person. This could be someones answer, or a wake up call to someone living a lie. So get something to eat, drink, take a bathroom break, sit down, get your reading glasses on if you need them, and hold on. This my friends is going to be one hell of a ride. Let's begin:
Let's start with the most important person. The person reading this-You. Lets begin this with you. Every thought should begin with you. How do you feel? not how your family feels, or your child(ren), or your spouse. How do YOU feel? sometimes we have to ask ourselves that question. It doesn't make you a bad person for thinking "ok, how do I feel today?" It doesn't make you selfish. It doesn't mean you don't care about anyone else. It just shows how much you value you. How important YOU are in this world. If you feel down and all you can think are negative feelings, then maybe YOU need to change that. What is making you feel that way and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Your problems wont just go away unless you do something about it. Don't make excuses for why you don't ask how you are feeling. I know how you moms out there work. My mom and I do the same thing, we think of our children first. And that's okay, really it is. But sometimes you have to put the kids to the side for just a moment. Timmy will be just fine not being your first prioty for 5 minutes. If Timmy feels bad, sad, good, bad, happy, Timmy will tell you. He has a mouth and he can use his words. If he is an infant, Timmy will cry or sleep. Same goes for your husbands or wives. They can tell you how they feel but if all you hear is silence from them then now is the time to focus on YOU.
When you TRUTHFULLY realize how you feel. Ask yourselves this question-Am I happy? and if you're not then ask yourselves this-How can I get happy? What is making me unhappy? Find the root to your problems and dig it out. You don't need that negative root taking up all the water from all those good roots. Sometimes people hold on to a moment that hurt them the most. It sticks with them and the story ends up making them into this person. But that story should not hold you back. When we finish reading a book, we close it up and put it on its shelf. We know that book is there, but we pay no mind to it. That's the same with our problems. Once they are over and done with we need to close them up and put them on the shelf. We finished it, its been completed, there should be no reason for why you continue to turn those pages and be reminded of everything all over again. Why linger? Move on. Six letters, 2 words, easy to say, hard to do. But we can do it. YOU can do it. You can move on from whatever brings you down. At this moment, whatever that moment may be for you, YOU can be happy. It's not impossible to feel incredible happiness. To feel as if nothing can ever bring you down. To be happy for absolutely no reason at all. Someone asks you "Why are you so happy?" and you responde "I don't know, just am." That, is a great feeling. You need to either remove your problems if they are already solved and move on. If your problems have yet to be solved, then you need to resolve them and feel relieved. How wonderful of a feeling is that? Feeling relieved, accomplished, solved.
Happiness is alot like the feeling "Love". There really is no true meaning to it. Everyone has their own definition of "happiness" and their own definition of "love". Love and happiness both mean the same thing. It's waking up every morning and feeling blessed for the people in your life. Happiness and Love is doing things for others and not expecting anything in return. Happiness and Love is having no answer as to why you are feeling that way. Happiness and Love does not make you cry because HE JUST DOESN'T GET IT! Happiness and Love does not make you feel so low about yourself that waking up in the morning is absolute torchure. When you are unhappy and have no love you have an answer to when people ask "why are you feeling that way?" You are worthy of every Happiness and Love the world has to offer you. Take a moment, right now (its okay i allow you to take a break from reading), and look at your life. Examine your room, look at your child(ren), and think about your life. How has it been so far? How is your relationship? Is it what you've always wanted it to be? Can you look at your life and say TRUTHFULLY, I am happy, I love my life? If your happiness and love is not at the level you wish it was at then maybe YOU need to do something about it. Let go of that kodak moment you have in your mind. Let me smack this in your face-I appologize if this hurts but sometimes thats just how the truth feels. YOU WILL NEVER GET THAT MOMENT BACK. It is in the past. That picture you have of a once perfect man or woman is in the past. Stop holding on to someone that is not willing to change for you. Stop setting yourself up for disappointment. Its not worth it to you. You are worth so much more than that. You deserve great things. Great people deserve great things.
There is a lot of bad things in the world today. Bad things happen to us everyday but its finding the positive in it thats the hardest. How is that even possible? You just lost the love of your life, how do you find a positive in that? You just lost your job, how do you find a positive in that? Sometimes, you can't at first. But you look at the things you have in your life right now and you count your blessings. Yes the love of your life is gone but you are still here, your healthy, your family loves you (not many people have that), you are a beautiful person. Yes you lost your job but maybe this is an opportunity to know your kids if you have them, atleast a job is all you lost. Some people lose literally everything and a job just isnt enough to bring it back.
Smile today, tell someone you love them, ask yourself "How am I feeling?" Fix yourself before you worry about everyone else. Everyone will do just fine not having your undivided attention for 5 minutes. Sometimes YOU need the most attention, because how you feel affects your day and the people around you. If you see someone sad tell them you love them and tell them they are important enough. You are enough for this world. You mean so much to me and I love you.
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