Sunday, November 24, 2013

how do you define normal, beautiful, or perfection?

What is normal? What is beautiful? what is perfection?

I believe we are always setting ourselves up for failure. I believe this because the world has engraved in our minds what "normal" is, what "beautiful" is, and  what "perfection" is. We try to live up to the worlds expectations or even our own expectations and we fail; miserably. What we find to be normal, beautiful, or perfect may not be the same for someone else. I think the world forgets that sometimes.

What is "normal"? Is this based on a stereotype? Or where one feels most comfortable because that's how they were raised? To the world normal is average. Average American family living the average American life. Anything that goes against what is average or normal is, considered "weird".  I've never tried drugs. But someone who walks into my life who smokes weed from dawn until dust; I find them to be "weird" because what they do, to me, isn't normal. But I am sure to them, I am weird because I don't do the same things they do. The way they live, to them, is normal. The way I live, to me, is normal. This is why we have such a problem with homosexuals getting married. Because it goes against what we define as "normal". To some people in the world, it's not normal for a man to marry another man. We as heterosexuals, can never understand how someone else can be attracted to the same sex. It's not normal, it's weird. And as we try to live our lives as normal as possible, we will never EVER look normal to everyone. Someone will always disagree and we have, yet again, set ourselves up for failure.

What is beautiful? It's easy to look at someone else and find what is beautiful. In the picture above, an artist drew two pictures. One was how the woman saw herself, the other was how her friends saw her. We naturally see ourselves as imperfect. There is always something that needs to be improved on ourselves. "I'm not tall enough", " I'm too pale, too fat", "I am stupid, ugly, weak". The list, unfortunately, goes on and on. But, what is beautiful to us? Beauty is how the world perceives it to be. I read a few days ago that you are considered fat if your thighs touch. Ridiculous, right?  Marilyn Monroe was NOT a skinny woman, but she was considered to be a sex symbol. I believe, for her, the world looked past her body and embraced the confidence she radiated. I believe that the most beautiful person is one who radiates confidence. If you feel good about yourself, and you are happy with what God has given you, then it shouldn't matter what other people think. What the world thinks will just look ridiculous and stupid. If your presence makes someone else happy, why are you so eager to change? We need to acknowledge that we were made beautiful in God's eyes. That we are different, there's nothing we can do about it. We are who we are and we need to embrace that. Take 5 minutes everyday, look in the mirror, and adore yourself. I know it sounds funny, but the more you say "My eyes are really beautiful" the more you'll begin to believe it. I feel beautiful, because I know that there is no one else like me. No one else has eyes like mine, no one else has my skin tone, my hair, my shape, or anything. I am perfect.

What is perfect? This is where we set ourselves up for failure the most. Because we all want the "perfect" life. From reading this, you can see I blame the world for twisting our way of thinking. The world has, yet again, engraved in our minds what perfection is. When we try to measure up to those "perfect" expectations, we fail. We fail over and over and over again. We always say "there's no such thing as perfection" but yet we all try to get it. What we find to be perfect, may not be the same type of perfect for someone else. Just because you found perfection and are happy, doesn't mean someone else will be happy with the same thing. Perfection to me is where we feel the most at peace. Where ever we feel comfortable, happy, and relaxed. Perfection is when we can accept ourselves and not worry about how the world sees you. Perfection is feeling like you don't have to impress anyone. You are who you are and that is as perfect, beautiful and normal as perfect, beautiful, and normal can get.

“When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them.”   
- Marilyn Monroe

Friday, May 17, 2013

So this is love, hmm
So this is love
So this is what makes life divine
I'm all aglow, hmm
And now I know
The key to all heaven is mine
My heart has wings, hmm
And I can fly
I'll touch every star in the sky
So this is the miracle

That I've been dreaming of
Hmm, hmm
So this is love

 He asks me "What is love, anymore?" Well, what is love, anymore? Is love the imagine seen in the picture above, or is it described in the song (from Cinderella). I feel we throw this "love" word around much too easily and forget the importance it processes. We forget the power this 4 letter word holds. How incomplete without it we really are. Someone once said to me "You are nothing until you are loved." Whether it be by someone else or yourself, you are truly nothing until you are loved. It usually begins with our mothers. So here is what I think love is. Coming from a mother, daughter, sister, girlfriend, friend, stranger's point of view.

Love is never needing a back up relationship. Love is holding a child's hand before crossing the street. Love is scaring away little monsters, or rubbing your child's back so they can fall asleep with ease. Love is calling a friend just to say "hello" or see how they are. Love is giving money/food to the homeless, or anyone in need,  and not regretting it later. Love is trust. Love is telling your child "no" to jumping on the bed. Love is giving someone a place of sanctuary. Love will never hold grudges. Love is unconditional. Love is watching the one you are meant to be with sleep. Love is doing things without asking and not expecting anything in return. Love is free. Love is the only thing a child knows and understands. Love has no restrictions, no gender, no color, no shape, or form. Love is support and strength. Love is not materialistic. Love is not possessive. Love can always be fixed. Love is spacious. Love is forever. Love is a sacrifice. Love is a commitment. Love is walking away, even when you don't want to. Love is knowing when to hold on. Love is finding the comfort in ones presence. Love is never feeling alone, but complete. Love is soothing away tears. Love is laughter at the dinner table. Love is faith. Love is between two imperfect people. Love is not confusing. Love is growing old together. Love is certain. Love is accepting others flaws. Love is doing everything in your power to make someone feel as good as you do. Love is God.

Now I ask, what do YOU think love is? Does anyone really know?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Perfect Strangers

In the moments when we feel so low about ourselves, to the point of death, someone walks in and....Saves us. They say things that are exactly what we need to hear. Sometimes these things are exactly what we never felt anyone would understand. Hellen Keller once said " I would much rather walk with someone in the dark, rather than walk alone in the light." Find the person who will stick around through all of your trials and sufferings, your darkest moments. Find someone who truly understands how you are feeling and says things that mean so much to you. Even if it is something small like "I love you". Sometimes knowing you are loved is truly just enough.

You are not the only one who hears youself crying. God hears you crying. So when you think for a second "I dont want anyone to see me cry." well guess what....Someone is seeing you cry. God is there and he is hearing your plea for an answer, for sanctuary, for something to hold your head above water.

Here's a thought; lets think about this for a second. Ever wonder why we have soul-mates? or Best friends? Well, here's my thought on it. We all want to be 100%, to feel we have control over everything that we are happy on our own terms. Well, sorry, can't happen on your own. We may be able to get to feeling 50% but never 100%. Reason is this, God brings these people into our lives to help us feel better about ourselves, to improve our flaws. He brings strangers into our lives to.....complete us. We all live in a world where are happiest moment is when we feel completed. But you cannot do it on your own.

So today, walk past your fears and ask that girl to go out for some drinks, get to know her cuz she might be everything you're looking for. Hang out with that guy in class who was always so nice to you, he might be the best friend you always needed. We cannot find happiness alone.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


I usually have a picture with my blogs. But this blog is different. Its different because it's going to be reaching out in different directions and grabbing people in different ways. So, truthfully, there is really no picture fit for this blog. You have to place the picture. This very well may be my longest, deepest, most honest blog I've written. But if you read it and understand where I am coming from then maybe, just maybe, you will wake up tomorrow a new person. This could be someones answer, or a wake up call to someone living a lie. So get something to eat, drink, take a bathroom break, sit down, get your reading glasses on if you need them, and hold on. This my friends is going to be one hell of a ride. Let's begin:

Let's start with the most important person. The person reading this-You. Lets begin this with you. Every thought should begin with you. How do you feel? not how your family feels, or your child(ren), or your spouse. How do YOU feel? sometimes we have to ask ourselves that question. It doesn't make you a bad person for thinking "ok, how do I feel today?" It doesn't make you selfish. It doesn't mean you don't care about anyone else. It just shows how much you value you. How important YOU are in this world. If you feel down and all you can think are negative feelings, then maybe YOU need to change that. What is making you feel that way and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Your problems wont just go away unless you do something about it. Don't make excuses for why you don't ask how you are feeling. I know how you moms out there work. My mom and I do the same thing, we think of our children first. And that's okay, really it is. But sometimes you have to put the kids to the side for just a moment. Timmy will be just fine not being your first prioty for 5 minutes. If Timmy feels bad, sad, good, bad, happy, Timmy will tell you. He has a mouth and he can use his words. If he is an infant, Timmy will cry or sleep. Same goes for your husbands or wives. They can tell you how they feel but if all you hear is silence from them then now is the time to focus on YOU.

When you TRUTHFULLY realize how you feel. Ask yourselves this question-Am I happy? and if you're not then ask yourselves this-How can I get happy? What is making me unhappy? Find the root to your problems and dig it out. You don't need that negative root taking up all the water from all those good roots. Sometimes people hold on to a moment that hurt them the most. It sticks with them and the story ends up making them into this person. But that story should not hold you back. When we finish reading a book, we close it up and put it on its shelf. We know that book is there, but we pay no mind to it. That's the same with our problems. Once they are over and done with we need to close them up and put them on the shelf. We finished it, its been completed, there should be no reason for why you continue to turn those pages and be reminded of everything all over again. Why linger? Move on. Six letters, 2 words, easy to say, hard to do. But we can do it. YOU can do it. You can move on from whatever brings you down. At this moment, whatever that moment may be for you, YOU can be happy. It's not impossible to feel incredible happiness. To feel as if nothing can ever bring you down. To be happy for absolutely no reason at all. Someone asks you "Why are you so happy?" and you responde "I don't know, just am." That, is a great feeling. You need to either remove your problems if they are already solved and move on. If your problems have yet to be solved, then you need to resolve them and feel relieved. How wonderful of a feeling is that? Feeling relieved, accomplished, solved.

Happiness is alot like the feeling "Love". There really is no true meaning to it. Everyone has their own definition of "happiness" and their own definition of "love". Love and happiness both mean the same thing. It's waking up every morning and feeling blessed for the people in your life. Happiness and Love is doing things for others and not expecting anything in return. Happiness and Love is having no answer as to why you are feeling that way. Happiness and Love does not make you cry because HE JUST DOESN'T GET IT! Happiness and Love does not make you feel so low about yourself that waking up in the morning is absolute torchure. When you are unhappy and have no love you have an answer to when people ask "why are you feeling that way?" You are worthy of every Happiness and Love the world has to offer you. Take a moment, right now (its okay i allow you to take a break from reading), and look at your life. Examine your room, look at your child(ren), and think about your life. How has it been so far? How is your relationship? Is it what you've always wanted it to be? Can you look at your life and say TRUTHFULLY, I am happy, I love my life? If your happiness and love is not at the level you wish it was at then maybe YOU need to do something about it. Let go of that kodak moment you have in your mind. Let me smack this in your face-I appologize if this hurts but sometimes thats just how the truth feels. YOU WILL NEVER GET THAT MOMENT BACK. It is in the past. That picture you have of a once perfect man or woman is in the past. Stop holding on to someone that is not willing to change for you. Stop setting yourself up for disappointment. Its not worth it to you. You are worth so much more than that. You deserve great things. Great people deserve great things.

There is a lot of bad things in the world today. Bad things happen to us everyday but its finding the positive in it thats the hardest. How is that even possible? You just lost the love of your life, how do you find a positive in that? You just lost your job, how do you find a positive in that? Sometimes, you can't at first. But you look at the things you have in your life right now and you count your blessings. Yes the love of your life is gone but you are still here, your healthy, your family loves you (not many people have that), you are a beautiful person. Yes you lost your job but maybe this is an opportunity to know your kids if you have them, atleast a job is all you lost. Some people lose literally everything and a job just isnt enough to bring it back.

Smile today, tell someone you love them, ask yourself "How am I feeling?" Fix yourself before you worry about everyone else. Everyone will do just fine not having your undivided attention for 5 minutes. Sometimes YOU need the most attention, because how you feel affects your day and the people around you. If you see someone sad tell them you love them and tell them they are important enough. You are enough for this world. You mean so much to me and I love you.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Have you ever laid in bed and dreaded the thought of leaving it? It felt so comfortable and safe. Nothing could go wrong if you just stayed hidden beneith your covers. An area of blissful solitude. But, you have to get up. There is a reason for why you must leave your solitude of bliss. You see, we are always doing things for a reason. There is a reason why you got out of bed this morning. You didn't have to, but you did. You got out of bed because who else is going to do it? the only person who can do it is you; so it has to get completed.

This is much like depression. Depression is like your bed. You could lay in that depression all day if you wanted to. Actually some stay in their depression for years. Hiding themselves from the world because there is nothing to get up for. There is always something or someone to get up for. Something or someone to force you out of depression. There are people and things in this world that need you. No one else can do it but YOU. You lay in that depression and assume this world is better without you. What's the point of getting out of bed, no one needs you? Someone does. You will be forever needed. Even if it turns out to be someone you never met, they need you.

Being needed is a lot better than being wanted.

I understand what it's like to completely hate yourself and the world around you. I understand what it's like to feel as if nothing you do is good enough. I understand feeling like a failure in a room full of accomplished people. I know what it feels like to lay in bed and dread the thought of having to leave it. Dreading the thought of facing the world one more time. Sometimes people will say to you that they understand what you're feeling, take their word for it. They really do understand how you feel. You're not the only one who feels this way or thinks the way that you do. Someone else thinks and feels the same way you do. God did not put us on this earth in hopes that we would all have our own thoughts and feelings; that no one would understand each other. We have these similar thoughts and feelings so we can come together and become stronger. It is impossible to built strength on your own. Everyone needs someone to help build them up. Even if it is someone who hasn't reached the age of 2. That little person can strengthen you. No one can stand alone and if anyone has ever told you they did and got strong from it- They lied. This world needs YOU! like I said before, its a lot better to be needed than wanted. Don't you agree?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dear Jenna

I can't say I've ever in my life dealt with a death so close as the one you're dealing with now. I can't say I have ever felt that horrid pain you speak about, nor do I ever wish to feel it. I can, however, say that I understand. And if I don't, then please help me to understand because I would like to be there for you.

God can allow some pretty nasty things to happen in our lives. Its really unfair that the one person who is suppose to be there for us isn't and that sucks. It really sucks that the one ultamite being we depended on is undependable. You just want to scream and God because he controls who stays and who goes. Why couldnt he have sent down his gaurdian angels to protect connor that night? I've said this to you once and I'll say it again. If you want to be mad at anyone, then be mad at God--He can handle it. Sometimes God puts obsticles in our path that seem so unfair and mean but he does it for a reason and its figuring out that meaning--That's tough. It's tough because no one wants to waste time figuring out anything when this whole time they thought they had everything figured out in the first place. There is a reason for why we are here on this earth. Why God has given each of us this thing we call life. There is a reason for why he takes it also.

Jenna I wish that I could take away this pain. It breaks my heart seeing my best friend feel such pain that truely should never be felt by anyone. When you lay awake at night crying because you feel alone, mad, or even sad. Just know that someone out there under those same stars is laying awake with you, is mad with you, and is feeling sad with you. I may not have known Connor but from what you speak of he seemed like a great guy. You will find that Connor again. He is out there waiting for you so he can sweep you off your feet just like Connor did. When your ready and you let him Connor will lead you straight into happiness. What kind of guy would he be if he didnt?

Don't ever try and stand alone. The worse thing you can do for yourself is standing alone through something so tough. Even the strongest man in the world needs some assistance. I may be unsteardy myself and have some problems of my own but if we lean on each other then we can gain strength together. I'm not here to solve your problems just support through them. I can't make you feel better, but I can try to give you reason to wake up in the morning. I cant take away your past, but I can try and give you a great future. I can't erase the pain, but I can try and help you deal with it.

Jenna, you are and forever will be my best friend. We met late in life, but I'm blessed to have met you this way. At least I realize how blessed I am to have you in my life. You are an amazing girl. You have shown me that not every girl out there is a bitch. You have taught me many things even if you think you havent. I am always here for you through thick and thin. No one deserves to stand alone. YOU dont deserve to stand alone, and I wont allow it. Please stay strong and if you need someone to talk to you know my number. If you need someone to lean on you know my address. Dont hesitate for a second.

love you always,


Sunday, July 10, 2011

All Girls Talk!!!!

It is okay for me to say that we do not fully know our friends. It is also okay for me to point out that our friends dont fully know us.

We always think we know our friends and its not until years down the road we learn the truth. It sucks when we discover that the one person we convided in has been passing your secrets around as jokes. All of a sudden you feel stupid, alone, and confused. How could you have missed it? You sit back and you dysec every inch of your friendship that you've developed with these people and every bit of it is a lie. It is all a lie. Did they ever like you? Was this friendship at all valuable to them as it was to you?

When I was 6 I had moved to Butler and I met a little girl named Anna. Anna and I would play every day and for the first time I had a friend, a best friend. When we weren't playing we talked on the phone. I called her every day, a security it was having someone else to talk to. It wasnt until 16 years later I learned Anna never cared about my friendship. Actually she never even wanted it. Because of one "friend" I instantly looked at my whole line of friends and I wondered if any of my other friends felt this way. I tried to figure out what it was i did wrong so I could fix it. I never wanted to have a friend who felt the same way Anna did. I think if I was more secure with myself I wouldnt feel the need to evaluate my own life and my friendships.

If I could teach my daughter one thing it is this; That girls will ALWAYS talk. It truely doesnt matter what type of girl you are, you will always talk. Alot of the time these girls who speak negative words on other girls sometimes strive for distraction from their own insecurities. When you are secure with your faith, your family, yourself- you waste no time speaking negative words about others.

We will never FULLY understand why some of us girls open our mouths on personal situations that are truely none of our business. Its hard not having answers for that but there is truely no answers for it because all girls are different. Sometimes we just cant help but spill others secrets and sometimes we spill to cover up our insecurities.

Some girls are over-weight and just have to talk about how Jane is so ugly and how her clothes come from a thrift store. And some girls born stupid feel the need to pass around deep conversations of their friends in hopes to develop inside jokes to disguise their ignorance. It isnt until you are sitting between the two beasts as they laugh histarically at their inside joke that you dont quite get. You try to figure it out but just feel stupid for sitting their in silence.

So I end this with advice for ALL girls. With insecurities and no insecurties, to keep your mouth closed. Take time to shut your mouth and fix yourself. Before you begin to turn your back on the people who have been good friends to you, Think before you speak. Think about what it is you are about to let slip past your lips and if its worth it then go about it but if risking your friendship isnt worth it then you may need to become aquainted with silence. Silence really says a whole lot about how you value your friends secrets.