Sunday, November 24, 2013

how do you define normal, beautiful, or perfection?

What is normal? What is beautiful? what is perfection?

I believe we are always setting ourselves up for failure. I believe this because the world has engraved in our minds what "normal" is, what "beautiful" is, and  what "perfection" is. We try to live up to the worlds expectations or even our own expectations and we fail; miserably. What we find to be normal, beautiful, or perfect may not be the same for someone else. I think the world forgets that sometimes.

What is "normal"? Is this based on a stereotype? Or where one feels most comfortable because that's how they were raised? To the world normal is average. Average American family living the average American life. Anything that goes against what is average or normal is, considered "weird".  I've never tried drugs. But someone who walks into my life who smokes weed from dawn until dust; I find them to be "weird" because what they do, to me, isn't normal. But I am sure to them, I am weird because I don't do the same things they do. The way they live, to them, is normal. The way I live, to me, is normal. This is why we have such a problem with homosexuals getting married. Because it goes against what we define as "normal". To some people in the world, it's not normal for a man to marry another man. We as heterosexuals, can never understand how someone else can be attracted to the same sex. It's not normal, it's weird. And as we try to live our lives as normal as possible, we will never EVER look normal to everyone. Someone will always disagree and we have, yet again, set ourselves up for failure.

What is beautiful? It's easy to look at someone else and find what is beautiful. In the picture above, an artist drew two pictures. One was how the woman saw herself, the other was how her friends saw her. We naturally see ourselves as imperfect. There is always something that needs to be improved on ourselves. "I'm not tall enough", " I'm too pale, too fat", "I am stupid, ugly, weak". The list, unfortunately, goes on and on. But, what is beautiful to us? Beauty is how the world perceives it to be. I read a few days ago that you are considered fat if your thighs touch. Ridiculous, right?  Marilyn Monroe was NOT a skinny woman, but she was considered to be a sex symbol. I believe, for her, the world looked past her body and embraced the confidence she radiated. I believe that the most beautiful person is one who radiates confidence. If you feel good about yourself, and you are happy with what God has given you, then it shouldn't matter what other people think. What the world thinks will just look ridiculous and stupid. If your presence makes someone else happy, why are you so eager to change? We need to acknowledge that we were made beautiful in God's eyes. That we are different, there's nothing we can do about it. We are who we are and we need to embrace that. Take 5 minutes everyday, look in the mirror, and adore yourself. I know it sounds funny, but the more you say "My eyes are really beautiful" the more you'll begin to believe it. I feel beautiful, because I know that there is no one else like me. No one else has eyes like mine, no one else has my skin tone, my hair, my shape, or anything. I am perfect.

What is perfect? This is where we set ourselves up for failure the most. Because we all want the "perfect" life. From reading this, you can see I blame the world for twisting our way of thinking. The world has, yet again, engraved in our minds what perfection is. When we try to measure up to those "perfect" expectations, we fail. We fail over and over and over again. We always say "there's no such thing as perfection" but yet we all try to get it. What we find to be perfect, may not be the same type of perfect for someone else. Just because you found perfection and are happy, doesn't mean someone else will be happy with the same thing. Perfection to me is where we feel the most at peace. Where ever we feel comfortable, happy, and relaxed. Perfection is when we can accept ourselves and not worry about how the world sees you. Perfection is feeling like you don't have to impress anyone. You are who you are and that is as perfect, beautiful and normal as perfect, beautiful, and normal can get.

“When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them.”   
- Marilyn Monroe

Friday, May 17, 2013

So this is love, hmm
So this is love
So this is what makes life divine
I'm all aglow, hmm
And now I know
The key to all heaven is mine
My heart has wings, hmm
And I can fly
I'll touch every star in the sky
So this is the miracle

That I've been dreaming of
Hmm, hmm
So this is love

 He asks me "What is love, anymore?" Well, what is love, anymore? Is love the imagine seen in the picture above, or is it described in the song (from Cinderella). I feel we throw this "love" word around much too easily and forget the importance it processes. We forget the power this 4 letter word holds. How incomplete without it we really are. Someone once said to me "You are nothing until you are loved." Whether it be by someone else or yourself, you are truly nothing until you are loved. It usually begins with our mothers. So here is what I think love is. Coming from a mother, daughter, sister, girlfriend, friend, stranger's point of view.

Love is never needing a back up relationship. Love is holding a child's hand before crossing the street. Love is scaring away little monsters, or rubbing your child's back so they can fall asleep with ease. Love is calling a friend just to say "hello" or see how they are. Love is giving money/food to the homeless, or anyone in need,  and not regretting it later. Love is trust. Love is telling your child "no" to jumping on the bed. Love is giving someone a place of sanctuary. Love will never hold grudges. Love is unconditional. Love is watching the one you are meant to be with sleep. Love is doing things without asking and not expecting anything in return. Love is free. Love is the only thing a child knows and understands. Love has no restrictions, no gender, no color, no shape, or form. Love is support and strength. Love is not materialistic. Love is not possessive. Love can always be fixed. Love is spacious. Love is forever. Love is a sacrifice. Love is a commitment. Love is walking away, even when you don't want to. Love is knowing when to hold on. Love is finding the comfort in ones presence. Love is never feeling alone, but complete. Love is soothing away tears. Love is laughter at the dinner table. Love is faith. Love is between two imperfect people. Love is not confusing. Love is growing old together. Love is certain. Love is accepting others flaws. Love is doing everything in your power to make someone feel as good as you do. Love is God.

Now I ask, what do YOU think love is? Does anyone really know?