Saturday, July 10, 2010

DON'T CHEAT--plain and simple

Yesterday I called my best friend "tina". I could tell by the sound of her voice that something was on her mind. Something she just had to tell me but wasnt sure how to tell me. Instantly I had to find out what it was tina was trying to hide. She kept persisting that there was nothing to be told, I pushed on and kept asking "are you sure? cuz it sounds like there is." and sure enough-I was right.

You see, Tina has a boyfriend named mike, she loves her boyfriend much. Just the other day she told me they talk about getting married a couple years down the road. So when Tina told me that she had cheated on Mike, I was dumbfounded. It made no sense to me that this girl c0uld cheat on this man she "claims" to love and want to spend the rest of her life with. I was extremely disappointed in her choices. I told Tina that she needs to get her act together and tell mike what she did. She said she doesnt want to, and that makes me think again...How can you knowingly hurt someone and just move on without it eating you from the inside out? Does tina have no heart with this situation? In my opinion if tina is so scared of the consequences then she shouldnt have cheated.

Later on that day (haha) I was talking to my mom about tina and the WHOLE story. My dad was in the same room and just had to put in his two cents. Right when I said Tina cheated on Mike. My dad said "whats it matter? they arent married" Which i disagreed with..In my opinion whether you are married or not cheating still hurts and it is still a lost of trust. He then persisted to say that unless you tell the guy if this is an open or closed relationships he has free raine to date whom ever he pleases..this made me realize how completely simple men are made to be.

I have noticed that alot of men (not all) require that we women point out the obvious or just point blank say what we want or how we feel because men cant tell the difference. I have to tell a man when I love him, when i want to have sex, when i want a hug, when i dont want a hug, when i want to cuddle, when i just want to hold his hand, when i want to go out to eat, when i want to just go for a walk, or even when i just want to talk. I have to bluntly say "I WANT...." and then he gets it..Instead of just obviously shivering on the couch wanting him to come over and lay with me so i can get warm, instead throws a blanket on me and says "better." --by the way: Im not!! Instead i have to say "LAY WITH ME!" and then you hear this "oh uh okay" as if they were caught off gaurd..Maybe i am wrong..maybe i still have ALOT to learn about men. But just the fact that next time im in a relationship i have to tell the guy "dont date, sleep, or have relations with any other girl BUT are with me and only me, no one else" to me that is pathetic and a waste of words because in my opinion a guy should already know that when he is in a relationship it is closed...just DONT CHEAT!! its wrong..its annoying to hear about it on the phone with your best friend who just did it...its hurtful to the other person who does nothing but love you and then sleep with someone else...just messed up.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Emma Joyce-10 months old and growing

Everyone this beautiful amazing person I have in my arms in this picture is that of my daughter-Emma Joyce Schmidt. She is 10 months old now and is the person who keeps me motivated to keep going. She is who I look forward to seeing when i get home from work and school everyday. I have never seen the light in a little girls face light up so bright the moment she see's me. I have truely never felt so loved in all my life.

Parenting is not at all what i had expected it to be. Yes i knew it was hard but never THIS hard. The adjusting to my changed life was hard because I cant accept change, i like for things to stay just the way they are-in their place and always to stay IN their place. Before i had emma i had no patience, now-a-days, thats what im all about is patience. Before I was just trying to concure it, now im just taming it. does that make sense? hmm probably not but thats ok.

Emma Joyce will be 1 years old on August 23, 2010. A YEAR!!! my baby is growing up so fast and there is nothing i can do. I have become a little bit more lenient with change because she is cahnging EVERYDAY. Today she took 2 steps, although may seem like nothing to some, its HUGE to me. My baby is so close to walking and I cant hold her back and say "NO! you stay right where you are and dont move" now i will be saying that in the future but as of right now..dont grow! stay my baby..stay here where you have a clean slate, a blank canvas..stay here were you still love the world.

Let me tell you, children-babies-toddlers...they are all amazing! their minds are so unique and new...everything is amazing to them and all they have is love. maybe thats our problem as adults..we have to many problems in our lives and to many negative emotions..We just dont care about the little things in life..the simple things like fireflies, or the moon and stars, the way water feels in your hands. babies,toddlers, and children all are amazed by these small things in their lives and are happy just to get a ball on a string..Every day when emma discovers something new i join her and love it too. Even if i dont care much about it the love she has for something so bland is again-Amazing.