Sometimes situations come at you and its in those moments we actually count our blessings. My good friend told me the things her boyfriend says to her and she makes it out like its okay. Is it okay to call a woman a peice of shit? or to put her down for every wrong she's ever done? Make her feel like a failure everyday?
Why is that okay for all women to be treated like shit under a shoe? Maybe I am reacting like this because I never grew up with a Dad who spoke to my mom like that or treated her with such disrespect. Maybe I respect myself too much? But that still adds on my confusion as to why is it okay? Why is NOTHING being said about this or done? Its always silence because its "really none of our business and we shouldn't interfear with their business." Well when can we make it our business? when another woman is laying in a hospital bed bruised from head to toe all because she didnt make his food on time? No girl, no WOMAN, should have to be surrounded by that or even deserve that to begin with.
When I look back on my conversation I instantly feel blessed. I am blessed to have a Dad who shows respect and appreciation towards my mom. I feel blessed to have my Dad and brothers show me and teach me respect. I feel blessed to have never known abuse (verbally and mentally) I think about all the abused victims everyday and wonder- Will they survive? and when will they be saved? whose going to save them-the silent or the out spoken? Forever they stay deep within my prayers.
My daughter is another blessing I add to my list. She has opened my eyes and has made me realize what i deserve. I dont want my daughter bringing home a guy who treats her like nothing. Or talks to her like a dog. I am her example and she lives through me. I need to bring home the right guy for me so she can someday bring the right guy home for her. I mean how can any mother look away from harm towards her own child? Leave her falling when all she wants is someone to catch her. How can a mother be okay with the actions taking place. WHY IS IT OKAY????